Parcelpaper - 't Partijbriefke NO.8

The year finishes without glare, the market is quiet and the atmosphere is morose. However the Guild does not lose courage and one initiative follows the other.

Regarding the social aspects, we had taken the initiative to create a mutual aid fund for the victims of the carnage of Beslan. One year later the Guild, supported by the HRD and several sponsors could offer a cheque of 16.000 $ to Sergei Ouline, chairman of Diamond Chamber of Russia, for the construction of a first phase of the new school.
The cheque was given in the City hall of Antwerp in the presence of the alderman of education Voorhamme and Jacky Rot, chairman of HRD. The follow-up will be the annual invitation for the children of Beslan for a stay in Antwerp. This positive action appeared in all the local newspapers.
Another initiative of the Guild was the invitation of rough producers. First was Diamdel who in front of a full Oppenheimer room at HRD made a presentation of the company, a subsidiary of De Beers, and purchasing possibility of rough for SME. This initiative of our Guild, in collaboration with the HRD, will be continued with the invitation of other producers such as BHP-Billiton, Alrosa, Rio Tinto and Aber. The goal is to meet the large actors of the diamond world, to give the possibility to Antwerp manufacturers to supply themselves of rough at a reliable and regular source. We hope that this initiative will give a fresh impulse to our local industry.
The same interest was shown for the seminar organised by the HRD for the Democratic Republic of Congo of November 22 when the Minister of mining gave a overview of the diamond resources of the Republic,and the possibilty for the Antwerp companies to make contacts or to take part in the exploitation. The seminar followed upon the invitation of the Central African Republic of September 21 and Sierra Leone on June 22, which were also great successes. The seminars enter  the line of the invitations of the producing countries. An opportunity for the Antwerp SME to establish new contacts.
9th EPSC European Precious Stones Conference
The preparations of our 9th EPSC turn into higher speed, the dates are set from Saturday January 28 till Saturday February 4, 2006. From Saturday to Wednesday, the program will be relaxed: golf, tennis, swimming and tourism visit of the Sahara and the Atlas mountains. An opportunity to make contacts in a more relaxed way. 
Thursday February 2 opening of the congress by our honorary president SAR Prince Jean of Luxembourg. The conference will cover various subjects, among others an update of various treatments of diamonds (HPHT and CVD) and precious stones by the research center of the HRD (WTOCD). 
Our well- known and sympathetic member, professor Jean Marie Dereppe of the UCL will make a presentation on the last discoveries on the diffusion in corundums. 
Marc Goldstein correspondent of the Rapaport review will give a progress report on the international trade of diamonds. A representative of DTC will speak to us about the promotion of diamonds and the president of the AFG (Association Française de Gemmologie). 
Mr. Didier Giard will speak about the future for the new jewellers. The revival of jewellery sales in Europe will be developed by the editor of the review “Le Bijoutier” Yves Mauritz. The new Custodian of the diamond museum will give a talk on the history of diamonds and the Mediterranean Sea area. 
Peter Borgmans of the HRD Certificate department will explain the organisation of the HRD certificate, the system of graduation and the integrity.
So we will have gemmological and commercial pre-sentations . The day will  end with a farewell dinner with an official reception where we will have a défilé of jewels in the presence of several eminent guests. The following day, Friday will be devoted to the B2B for our members, they will be able to meet the jewellers and wholesalers of Morocco and of several other Mediterranean Sea countries. The members will be able  to present their company individually, to discuss about their production, their way of working and especially  how they want to increase their customers list.
This cooperation is organised by the Moroccan Association of Gemmology and Jewellery in collaboration with the Guild and sponsored by the Institute of Gemmology of the HRD. Among the participants we will have professionals and jewellers of Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, the Emirates, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Greece, Italy, Spain and France.
Is a very popular soap in Flanders, it is the story of an active family in the port of Antwerp and the  fashion sector and that will soon cover the diamond sector. The PR department of the HRD follows the scenario and the takes intensively. It is a good opportunity for our sector to show to the large Flemish public the journey of diamonds, of our sector, the difficult moments and daily worries in a playful way. First broadcasts are scheduled for March 2006.
The committee of the certificates department made a decision concerning the certification of treated diamonds HPHT. The certificate will have a document of  “brown copper” colour instead of blue. Below the logo HRD the title TREATED will appear. Inside, on the document comes “inscription on girdle: HPHT treated “, comments: White H, the colour has been changed by “HIGH PRESSURE, HIGH TEMPERATURE TREATMENT”. Colour grade: HPHT - TREATED and in the  middle  “... has been identified as treated diamond”.
Moreover, there is no preliminary  examination and the inscription HPHT treated must be engraved on the girdle. It is a wise decision that will  give again confidence to the consumer.
Het grootste discospektakel Studio 54 maakte zich weer op om het Sportpaleis in te  palmen. Een van de 14.000 feestvierders ging op 24 september naar huis met een juweel ter waarde van 25.000 €. Het discojuweel van de hand van de Antwerpse ontwerper Michaël Suchowolski schitterde even aan de nek van Natalia. Het juweel is letterlijk enfiguurlijk schitterend, met 152 fonkelsteentjes, waarvan de helft briljantjes en de helft roze saffieren. (Gazet van Antwerpen).
DIAMDEL Conclusion for Antwerp Manufacturers SME.
Diamdel is proud to serve the needs of both well-established operations through to many small, visionary and developing businesses. Pursuant to our special developmental role, we welcome applications for rough diamonds from all diamantaires, regardless of their business model, size of operation, whether they have previously purchased from Diamdel and whether they want to purchase regularly or on amore ad hoc basis. It is our policy not to sell to Sightholders of the DTC, thus providing a vital service to the secondary market. Similarly, we do not require clients to satisfy detailed criteria to purchase the diamonds that we have to offer; it does, however, remain pre-requisite that all customers abide by Diamond Best Practice Principles - business, social and environmental, values that we are proud to help promote throughout the industry.
Bedrijvenpark Diamant
Het einde van Lens Diamond Industries van 1974
De gemeente Berlaar heeft het licht op groen gezet voor de omvorming van de leegstaande site Lens Diamond tot bedrijvenpark Diamant. De eerste bedrijven kunnen er vanaf april 2006 terecht. Er zal plaats zijn voor een 20-tal bedrijven. Er hebben zich al beginnende bedrijven aangekondigd maar ook firma’s die in Berlaar willen uitbreiden of elders zonevreend zitten. Er komen vier straten, die na nieuwjaar aangelegd zullen worden.
Last 21 November, the alumni members of the Institute of Gemmology of the HRD met in order to be informed about the last developments concerning diamonds and precious stones. In the workshops, they could join the practice to the theory concerning treatments and new syntheses. The day was closed with a reception and a visit to the diamond museum of Antwerp. 


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